Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Out of the mouth of babes...

Tonight we were playing "Imagine If..."  a fun family game.  Madee read the question.
"Imagine if dad could discover the answer to a great mystery.  Which mystery would he choose?"
1. Who killed JFK?
2. What are the Colonel's eleven secret herbs and spices?
3. Is there life in outer space?
4. What is the secret of eternal youth and good looks?
5. How come I pay more taxes than Donald Trump?
6. What happens after death?
Then she looked up at us and said, "Duh, everyone knows what happens after you die!  You go to heaven and live with Jesus!"  Gotta love the truth and innocence of children!

Wondering what Mark's answer was?  "As much as I enjoy history and the JFK thing intrigues me, I would pick number 4."


  1. Tell him he found the secret by marrying a Jordan! It's a blessing!
