Sunday, May 22, 2011

The Converting Power of Faith-Inspired Action

It is our Stake challenge this year.  It began in our ward about 2 years ago with our good Bishop, who is now our Stake President.  President Rau will always hold a very special place in my heart.   He was only our Bishop for a short time, and I did not know him at all before he became our Bishop.  He was only our bishop for less than a year but in that short time he put a stamp on almost every heart in my family.   He became a very special friend to Mark and now Mark serves with him on the High Council.  He is a mentor, example, and friend to Jordan.  All my girls KNOW he loves and cares for them.  And me, well I can hardly speak about him without shedding a tear or two.  He is an amazing person and leader.   P-Rau, as our family lovingly calls him taught our ward of the Faith-Inspired Actions a few years ago and they have been life changing for me.  I would like to share them with all my friends in the blogging world. 

Small and simple faith-inspired actions
that indicate my desire to receive the
companionship of the Holy Ghost:

Personal Faith- Inspired Actions
  • Daily Prayer
  • Daily personal scripture study
  • Foster a reverent attitude
  • Explain, share and testify
  • Ponder, meditate and reflect
  • Record revelation (or thoughts)
  • Act on promptings
  • Thoughtfully partake of the sacrament
  • Regular temple attendance

Family Faith-Inspired Actions
  • Daily family prayer
  • Daily family scripture study
  • Weekly family home evening
  • "For Strength of Youth" discussions

There they are.  PRau challenged us to choose one the personal faith-inspired actions to work on for the year and choose a family action too.  Last year I choose to work on acting on promptings.  I did so many things that year that I would have normally talked myself out of.  You know how you feel like you should do something and you talk yourself out of it for some reason or another?  Well, I tried really hard to NOT talk myself out of things I felt prompted to do.  It literally changed my life in so many wonderful ways!   This year I am working on daily prayer and scripture study.  I felt like those two just went hand and in hand so working on both of them together would be a good idea.  I have developed such a testimony of prayer this year.  I love that I can talk to my Heavenly Father anytime I want to.  I also love that He is willing to listen to me anytime I want to talk to Him.  Do we sometimes tell others "hold on just a sec" when they are trying to talk to us?  Well Heavenly Father never does that.  He is ALWAYS willing and ready to listen.  That is such a comfort to me.  I would challenge all of you that read my little blog to pick a faith-inspired action and make it a part of your life.  I promise it will make all the difference!!

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