Sunday, May 15, 2011

Do your eyes light up?

I have no pictures to go with this post simply because I have not slowed down long enough to take them.  Sometimes I worry we are doing to much and not taking enough time just BE with the family.  Time never stops and all the things we do sometimes make life a bit to crazy and don't leave us enough time to just enjoy each others company.  This is one reason I am thankful for Sundays.  Most Sundays we do have time to just BE together in the quiet of our home.  I saw Toni Morrison on Oprah the other day.  She said something that really hit me.  She said, "Do you eyes light up when your children come into the room?"  I would like to take it a step further and apply it to your spouse.  Do you stop what you are doing and let everyone of your family members know how happy you are to see them?  It is something I need to work on and it is a goal I am setting for myself. 

1 comment:

  1. great idea. I am NOT good at that. Thanks for the reminder and motivation to be better!
